English Corner

6 out of 10 companies have not the leadership skills needed to develop a digital business model

10 mai 2018 |
6 out of 10 companies have not the leadership skills needed to develop a digital business model

According to the survey „The Barometer of Digitization 2018”, conducted by Valoria in collaboration with Doingbusiness.ro, in nearly 6 out of 10 companies (59%) there is not enough knowledge and expertise for top managers to assess and develop a digital business model. In companies with a strong influence on digitization, the percentage of those who […]

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5 trends which transform the sales process in the digital era

9 mai 2018 | Articol de: Elena Badea, Managing Partner, Valoria Business Solutions
5 trends which transform the sales process in the digital era

Long before the Internet appeared if you wanted to sell something, you were climbing a podium in the public market and you were loudly promoting your merchandise. Today, the podium becomes the e-commerce website, the public market has become the Internet, and the sales process is customer-centric and based on advanced customer relationship management (CRM) […]

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Transformation of companies goes through people

7 mai 2018 | Articol de: Constantin Măgdălina, Emergent Trends & Technologies Expert
Transformation of companies goes through people

In the context of accelerated transformations, business leaders talk indiscriminately about agility, improvement, change management. There is a contradiction between what they say and what they do. On the one hand, they have no time for shades and subtleties because they have to make a quick profit, on the other hand, they talk about personalization […]

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Heirs do not want to lead the family business in Romania

20 aprilie 2018 | Articol de: Author: Constantin Măgdălina, Emergent Trends & Technologies Expert

Entrepreneurship in Romania is the embodiment of a young man born in 1990. Sometimes idealistic and animated by change, other times without any point of reference or in search for international scaling up and new business model identification, but every time looking for opportunities and adapted to the turbulent context of the transformation of the […]

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6 steps for a powerful content marketing strategy

13 aprilie 2018 | Articol de: Author: Elena Badea, Managing Partner, Valoria Business Solutions
6 steps for a powerful content marketing strategy

Interest in content marketing is not new. In 1732, Benjamin Franklin, one of the parents of the US Declaration of Independence, began to publish an almanac through which he promoted his business, a printing house. What Ben F. then understood and understand today’s marketers is the fact that content generates confidence, and trust is the […]

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Advanced Pricing Agreements (APAs)

9 aprilie 2018 | Articol de: Nilanjan Nag, Transfer Pricing Manager, PKF Finconta
Advanced Pricing Adjustments legislations

The Ministry of Public Finances and National Agency for Tax Administration (ANAF) as per Government Decision no. 529/2007 introduced Advanced Pricing Adjustments legislations in June 2007. This legislation allows large taxpayers with a consolidated value of transactions of more than EUR 4 million the option to enter into APA (for a maximum term of five […]

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5 activities of an outstanding manager

29 martie 2018 | Articol de: Alina Făniță, CEO, PKF Finconta
5 activities of an outstanding manager

The leadership and management roles, although different, they become complementary in driving the company to success. The manager maximizes the value for the company, the team and for himself when he is passionate about what he is doing, involved in doing all the activities, and shows determination in tracking results that bring the company closer […]

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The corporate governance crisis

17 februarie 2018 | Articol de: Florentina Șușnea, Managing Partner, PKF Finconta
corporate governance crisis

The 2008 crisis has drawn everyone’s attention to the need to regulate and implement a rigorous set of rules and principles that govern or supervise companies. Business governance rules existed in the early 2000s, but the lax regulations and the inconsistency of internal audit on the top management’s activity led to non-compliantbehaviors. Theforms thereofcovered a […]

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Companies say 2018 will be bad for business

12 februarie 2018 |
Trei moduri prin care iti sabotezi afacerea fara sa iti dai seama

The percentage of companies expecting to decrease profits is twice higher than at the beginning of last year and those who say they do not increase investments is 18% in 2018 compared to only 10% at the beginning of 2017. These are the results of the study „Business outlook in 2018”, released today by Valoria […]

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Men seem to be more strongly oriented towards personal branding than women

9 februarie 2018 | Articol de: Elena Badea, Managing Partner, Valoria Business Solutions
Men seem to be more strongly oriented towards personal branding than women

The personal brand contains the set of features that highlight each person and their communication. But the options that specifically define everyone’s personal brand are the result of dictated age, education, and gender choices. This is the conclusion of a study on the personal brand in Romania, conducted by the consultancy company Valoria.  Here are […]

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World economic challenges in 2018

2 februarie 2018 | Articol de: Constantin Magdalina, Emergent Trends & Technologies Expert

The annual World Economic Forum from Davos, Switzerland, has just ended – a good opportunity to analyze the main challenges faced by the world – from cybersecurity, global trade and cryptocurrency to cooperation, equal opportunities, humanitarian crisis and change climate. In Romania, the echoes of these topics discussed by the political and business world leaders […]

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The HR function in the digital age

19 ianuarie 2018 | Articol de: Elena Badea, Managing Partner, Valoria Business Solutions
The HR function in the digital age

In many cases, companies fail to overcome the gap between knowing and doing what is needed to bring technology together with the latest processes and skills to bring HR into the 21st century. Even if some companies announce that they are changing their technology, the role and processes of HR remain unevolved, while other companies […]

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Trends in digital transformation for 2018

18 ianuarie 2018 | Articol de: Constantin Măgdălina, Emergent Trends & Technologies Expert
Trends in digital transformation for 2018

There are notions which, through the frequency of their use, lead to satiety. You do not want to hear them again. It can be said, with some arguments, that digital transformation is in such a situation. And yet the subject is imposed on companies by the impact it generates. You integrate digitization in your company, […]

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5 steps to make your company more focused on the customer

8 ianuarie 2018 | Articol de: Elena Badea, Managing Partner, Valoria Business Solutions
5 steps to make your company more focused on the customer

Although focusing on the customer is not a new concept, it has become more and more relevant. Customer focus is a strategy that aligns the development and delivery of the company’s products around consumer needs. In the context of digital business transformation, and digital marketing, understanding and shaping the customer experience brings many benefits that […]

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Santa Claus in economy

22 decembrie 2017 | Articol de: Constantin Măgdălina, Expert, Emerging Trends & Technologies
Santa Claus in economy

Consecrated as a jolly old man who brings gifts to the little ones, Santa Claus is an inspiring symbol. It is a relationship capital that we invest in others by simply giving gifts. An economy of circumstance is born that has its own rules. We give and receive on the basis of a reciprocal behavior […]

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Which are the most client centric industries in Romania?

14 decembrie 2017 | Articol de: Constantin Măgdălina, Expert, Emerging Trends & Technologies
Which are the most client centric industries in Romania?

In the digital era, consumer experience decides the business champions. Companies that manage the relationship with the consumer at all points of contact with the consumer will become market leaders. Industries that make the consumer experience the number one focus in their organizational culture, organizational structures and process design, will generate added value for the […]

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Retention of valuable employees, the main HR challenge for 2017

13 decembrie 2017 | Articol de:  says Elena Badea, Managing Partner Valoria, Daniel Drăgan, Managing Partner, Business Mark, Constantin Măgdălina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

According to the survey „Trends and challenges in HR for 2017”, carried out by Valoria in collaboration with Business Mark, 60% of companies in Romania say the most important strategic challenge in HR is the retention of high-potential and high-performance employees. In 2016, the main HR challenge for companies was to maintain a high level […]

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Show me your employer brand

7 decembrie 2017 | Articol de: Elena Badea, Managing Partner, Valoria Business Solutions
The employer brand is what people say about how your company recruits, motivates and retains employees

It is not at all what companies want, but we are in a labor market where the final word belongs to the candidate, not the employer. How we got here is less important now, because every moment – with or without the support of the HR function – employers have to face the consequences of […]

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What do the Romanian executives think about digitalization

6 noiembrie 2017 | Articol de: Constantin Magdalina, EmergingTrends &Technologies Expert
What do the Romanian executives think about digitalization

Romania has the chance to strengthen its economic performance if digital technology and solutions are integrated used by each of the companies. Only that technology investments and the implementation of digital solutions are decided by each company’s management. So, I asked the executives and managers of the companies in Romania what is their opinion about digitization. The answers […]

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Why would companies want to go for RPO?

1 noiembrie 2017 |
Why would companies want to go for RPO?

ManpowerGroup has launched in Romania its ManpowerGroup Solutions brand, its line specializing in Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO). During an informal meeting with this occasion, we had the chance to interact with Sarah Peiker, Head of RPO Practice, EMEA about the evolution of RPO over the course of the last almost twenty years, based on their experience. Also, we […]

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