Tag: human resources

Team Dynamics | HR Executive Learning #11

2 noiembrie 2020 |
Ideograf is hosting the 11th edition of HR Executive Learning event series on the topic of “Team Dynamics”, with two top business leaders

Ideograf is hosting the 11th edition of HR Executive Learning event series on the topic of “Team Dynamics”. Two top business leaders will share their views and experience about how to build team spirit in an environment where direct personal contact has greatly decreased and how to tap the creative energy of interpersonal conflicts in […]

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Virtual seminar on Managing Performance of Remote Teams. Shifting from Hours Worked to Results – 24 June 2020

16 iunie 2020 |

The need to ensure business continuity during the pandemic pushed many companies to leap into the unknown moving part or all their team to work remotely. Some of these companies are now happy to find the opportunities in keeping a remote workforce, and many have shifted their business model and start tapping into cost optimization […]

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PwC Saratoga 2019: One third of employees leave the companies voluntarily, before completing one year

19 decembrie 2019 |
PwC Saratoga 2019: One third of employees leave the companies voluntarily, before completing one year

Voluntary termination rate was 18.7% this year, with 5.1 percentage points up compared to 2017, according to the human capital efficiency analysis, PwC Saratoga 2019. A similar trend, but not of the same magnitude, is observed in the case of involuntary termination rate, with 4.1 percentage points up compared to two years ago, to 23.3%, […]

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The future of human resources in the view of the CEOs

19 noiembrie 2018 | Articol de: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions
The future of human resources in the view of the CEOs

The dynamics of the business environment, education and demographic changes brings to light the pressing problem of the labor force. If companies allowed themselves to select candidates a few years ago, they are now struggling to find them. Strenuous recruitment processes have been significantly simplified to facilitate recruitment. Companies have implemented development programs, flexible work […]

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79% of companies say keeping employees involved is the biggest HR challenge in 2018

1 octombrie 2018 |
79% of companies say keeping employees involved is the biggest HR challenge in 2018

According to the survey „Trends and Challenges in HR 2018” conducted by Valoria in collaboration with BusinessMark, 79% of companies say that the most important strategic challenge in HR is to maintain a high level of employee engagement. On the second place is the retention of the high-potential and the highly-performing employees (61%), and on […]

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5 activities of an outstanding manager

29 martie 2018 | Articol de: Alina Făniță, CEO, PKF Finconta
5 activities of an outstanding manager

The leadership and management roles, although different, they become complementary in driving the company to success. The manager maximizes the value for the company, the team and for himself when he is passionate about what he is doing, involved in doing all the activities, and shows determination in tracking results that bring the company closer […]

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Musings of an HR Leader – Optimum Life @ Everyday

2 aprilie 2014 |
hr leader

by Rajesh Vaidya, Head-HR, Eastern Europe & CIS Region, Ranbaxy Laboratories Life is busy, demanding and hectic. It can drive (and invariably does) us nuts. Family obligations, professional demands, workplace tensions, inflation – there are myriads of challenges that take toll on us almost every-day. So, in a situation wherein survival itself can be an […]

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Conferinţa „Bune practici în HR”, la hotel Marshal Garden, din Bucureşti

31 martie 2014 |
Bune practici in HR

Masa rotundă „Bune practici în HR”, eveniment lunar organizat de Asociația Națională a Recrutorilor (ANR) și 4CAREER, va avea loc miercuri, 16 aprilie, la hotelul Marshal Garden, din București. Evenimentul va începe la ora 18:30 și are ca temă „Instrumente în HR”, subiect care va fi dezvoltat pe larg de către doi invitați: Mădălina Bălan, […]

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ANR și 4CAREER organizează masa rotundă „Bune practici în H.R.”

5 martie 2014 |

Masa rotundă de „Bune practici în H.R.”, organizată de Asociația Națională a Recrutorilor (ANR) împreună cu 4CAREER, va avea loc în data de 19 martie, de la ora 18:30, la Hotelul Marshal Garden din București. Tema evenimentului este „Start-up în H.R.” . Pe lângă tema propusă, se va discuta şi despre alte provocări existente din […]

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De ce HR-ul ar trebui să mizeze pe tehnologie pentru a face angajări

6 noiembrie 2013 |
infografic: De ce HR-ul ar trebui să mizeze pe tehnologie pentru a face angajări

A face angajări este un proces dificil. Departamentul de HR încearcă să găsească cea mai potrivită persoană pentru companie, dar trebuie să facă o selecție prin zeci, sute de CV-uri, să treacă prin interviuri cu candidații. Cei de la mashable.com sunt de părere că cea mai bună variantă pentru departamentul de HR este să apeleze […]

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