Articol de: Constantin Măgdălina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert
No business objective will be achieved unless the desired parameters are related to the dreams, wishes and personal aspirations of employees. Why? Because it is set to achieve a target that has no connection with employees, but most of the time with the KPI’s agenda of the management.
Strategies that do not account for people
That is why, although for a strategy to succeed there are allocated tens and hundreds of man hours, the failure rate is between 50-90% according to the business recordings. What should one do?
For a strategy to have a better chances of success, leaders should rely on two sets of correlated behaviors: engaging their colleagues and executing the strategy. When it comes to strategy execution, things can be pretty geometricaly resolved by activities, projects and portfolios management, the real challenge arises when undertaking to build employees engagement, an endeavor much harder to systematize.
It is difficult to make all the people get absorbed in their work and to align them emotionally to the goals and values of the organization. It seems that in both cases companies are not sufficiently prepared. According to the 17th Annual Global CEO Survey conducted by PWC up to 50% of organizations are not prepared to put the strategy into execution. If so are things with the execution, in the case of employee engagement rates are much lower, only 30%, according to the Employee engagement insights for business leaders 2015 by Gallup. The question is whether leaders of the companies can engage the employees and execute the strategy at the same time?